Our Troop has established a Trading Post. We centrally hold items of interest to scouts and redistribute them to those who need them. For example, scout pants or shirts, hiking boots that have been outgrown can be given to the Trading Post for other scouts to use instead of buying new ones. In addition, to clothes we have camping gear like a backpack. Don’t forget to check the Lost and Found for items you may have misplaced. These are displayed at each Troop Meeting.
We are looking for more items to be contributed to the Trading Post.
Here are items we may have in inventory:
- Long pants
- Short pants
- Belts
- Neckerchief
- T-shirts
- BSA hats
- Hiking Boots
- Winter Boots
- Class A shirts
- Backpack
We are looking for more of the above items as well as:
- Sleeping pads
- Sleeping bags
- Rain gear
- Gaiters
- Flashlights/headlights