The Boy Scout rank advancement system is different than the one of Cub scouts. The parents of the scouts no longer sign off the requirements. In the Boy Scout system, after the scout has completed the requirement, the scout brings proof of this to a leader at a meeting (preferably his patrol leader), and then gets the requirement signed off.
The requirements for each rank vary, depending on the rank. For the first few ranks, tenderfoot through first class, requirements are based on the scout’s learning. Requirements include going on campouts, cooking, tying knots, first aid, orienteering, and other basic skills. For the later ranks, star through eagle, requirements are based on the scout’s leadership, and teaching. Requirements include earning Merit Badges, holding a position of responsibility, and serving the community. Specific requirements concerning each rank can be found towards the back of the Scout Handbook, or on the BSA website(links below).
After earning all the requirements for a rank, scouts request a Scout Master Conference. During a Scout Master Conference, scouts talk with one of the many Scout Masters about the various requirements they fulfilled. The Scout Master goes through the requirements and talks to you about your progress and records.
After completing a Scout Master Conference, the Scout Master decides if you are ready for a Board of Review, a scout’s last step before earning his next rank. In a Board of Review, a scout sits in front of a board of four troop parents. The board asks you questions concerning the requirements you completed, just as in the Scout Master Conference. However, in the Board of Review, scouts are tested on Scout Skills. The skills always consist of the Scout Law and Oath, and can also contain knot tying or first aid, or other skills. After passing a Board of Review the scout has earned his next rank.
are 6 ranks in Boy Scouting which you can earn. The first three focus
on teaching Scout skills and preparing you for leadership in the troop.
The first three ranks are:
Tenderfoot |
Second Class
First Class
rank is more challenging to earn than the previous one(s). The last
three ranks focus on earning merit badges, having a leadership role in
the troop, and doing community service. The last three ranks are: